Monday, September 29, 2008


sms-sms ini dipetik dr handfon berbeza...

"cikgu, nih no *tut*..cikgu save la dalam henpon.cikgu buat apa?"

dipetik dari:pelajar tahun 3

rumusan:kesian kat cikgu kena layan dak2 neh..

"Amende kaw merepek.?Kaw ckp ak msg ngn kwn kaw smlm.?"

dipetik dari:pelajar lelaki,13

rumusan:perhatikan kaw..ejaan bebeza dr sms2 lain.hurmm..

"ko g klas x?haihhss.esaimen ak x siap lg.cne neh?huhuhu"

dipetik dari:pelajar utp,19

rumusan:da msuk U,sume sms sal klas,esaimen,n mcm2 r..takpon msj ngn pkwe mkwe msng2..heheh

"mne shaye tawu,kdg2 shuke kdg2 xshuke...ngee~"

dipetik dari:unknown

rumusan:hurm shaye xd komen..lalala~

"kelapa digrg setengah msk,isi ikan,bwg,serai&halia.(tumbuk sekali),mskkan dlm kelapa tadi..akhir sekali masukkan grm,gula.."

dipetik dari:surirumah,47

rumusan:kaum2 ibu sekarang sudah maju..menggunakan sms utk hantar resepi.hebat.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meniru lagi.......(no komen)

'everyone please sit down'

'hey you,yes you sit down'

kekecohan lam LH1,
dlm hati ;'sebbek da dpt tmpt.ala kna selang stu krusi la pulak.cane neh nisa?.susa neh nak tiru.drilling ak xsentuh pon.resevoir pon bace smbil tdo.haihhhh.'

tengok skeliling,
sume tgh cari tmpat duduk.da la kna selang satu krusi.cukup ke untuk sume?

ohh.yg dtg lmbat duk depan.
aku da cuak.nak tiru spe neh..da la duk 1st row part blakang tuh.xd org dpn.xley usha.huhuhu.


'sblh ade org?'

'xde-xde,duk ar'

'pnat nye..'

'dr blakang ke?'

'xah,dtg lmbt..hehehe'

'sharing is caring ek(pnuh makna)'

'aku pn xbce mne neh.huhu (senyum tnda stuju)'

pengawas tes ulang alik lalu depan kteorg..

'xpe ke duk sblah2 neh?'

'xpe-xpe..diorg xprasan..xkesah la kot..cantek kn akak cine (cine ke viet?) tuh pkai kbaya'

'ha'a..cantek bju die'

LH1 maseh kecoh..mencari seat.aku bace notes yg xabeh2 bace.

'hey you,eye contact..go to the front'

'you just seat'


'just seat'


'ok,we gonna start the test.don look at others (smbil buat gaye)....(merapu) may start now'

' satu?alamak len lak susunan..xpe soklan tuh kat blakang'

(yes! nmpk)
(usha dak sblh lak)
(ooohh..smbil itamkn jwpn)

dalam byk2,ade gak soklan yg aku tau jwpn.ade la 2-3 kot.heheh.

(gerak2 kaki,mate melilau)
(yessss siap!)
(pbualan telepathy ngn nisa pon mule)

'pstt..psstt..neh jwpn die *tut* ke *tut* ek?konpius..'

'(dgn muke knfiden)*tut*'

'ohh..ok.ak pon rase gtu'

(saling usha jwpan)

'nisa,aku tuka jwpn neh..tgk dak sblh wt len'

'ok.ak pon tuka'

okay everyone pen down....
(belek lec notes..ish xjmpe la pulak)

'da la nad.kang die nmpk'

'eh btol gak(smpan blk),redha je r'


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hari Raya ke-10


sbulan sblum raya,hari-hari dlm bilik ak akan try baju raye,kasut raye,beg raye..cube pakai round2 dlm bilik.(bjet bgaye r).pas da wat fesyen show SS(syok sndri),pegi men bunge api,tanglung or mercun colok bsme abg,kakk adek2 n jiran2.kdng2 ikut mak pegi smayang terawikh.klu malas kna jage adek kat umah.

penah satu mlm,
ak bentang tikar kat halamn rumah den baring ngn adek aku due org,adib n azim.tym tuh diorg xliar lg,mseh mndengar perintah wlaupon kdng2 aku slalu kna blasah gak.aku n mereka neh xikut la fmili pegi smyang terawikh,reason die ak lupe lak.kitorng pon baring la atas tikar smbil tgk bintang.aku ingt lagi adek ak si adib tuh tanye,'ira,bintang nih jauh dok?'(lam longhat ganu ye).aku dengan muke pnuh bngge jwb r,'jauh-jauh...klu nok g kna nek roket(pstuh ade la lg yg aku mrapu)'.den die kte,'awan neh bley gerok2 ah'.ak pon xplen,'memng lah boley,sbb angin tolok'.heh.

pas abg n kakk kteorg blk,
mule lah parti bunge api n mercun,hehehe..tym tuh taraf aku men bunge api jek,lari pusing ngn bunge api smbil nynyi lgu raye,adek2 ak pon ikut blakang.hehehe.xpon tgk abg ak psang mercun roket,tuh pon mule2 dkat tp lpas api nyale trus lari jauh2.mercun tumpat pon ade or mercun bola,ak gerun ngan mercun neh,dulu r..skrang da bese.ak tau banyak gak name2 mercun neh.hehehe.ade mercun telor nage,mercun katak,mercun papan,mercun roket n mcm2 r.

pstuh pagi2,
kna bgun sahur..kdg2 tuh sgt la mls nk kena gak r.paren ak ttp pkse suh bangun sahur.tym nak bbke lak.sume tlentang dpn tv,xbmaya smbil tgk jejak rasul.hari-hari ak tgk jejak rasul ngan iklan waktu bbke n imsak.sbb pstuh mesti azan,hehehe.

raya pon tibe,
mlm b4 raye kteorg akan blk kmpung kat dungun,mase tuh ak duk kat lam 30 minit da smpai da.bju raya sume da siap pack sbb kteorg tdo kt kmpung.bes ah malam tuh.parti mercun plg besar r,da la sdare sume ade.kteorg slalu lwn men mercun ngan dak len.tgk bunyi mne plg kuat.hehehe..kteorg dak2 pompuan ngn dak2 kecik yg xle men mercun akan men tanglung or tempurung.tanglung cm bese r letak lilin den pegng gune ak lg ske tempurung,amek tempurung yg sparuh den pasang lilin lam tuh.kteorng pon tawaf rumah tok pegi tmpat2 gelap.pstuh pusing blk.seronok r.den mlm tuh tido sme2 ngn kazen sume.

esok nye,
pagi2 da bangun mndi,siap2 sume.tym neh r,sume show off bju ngn kasut msing2.hehehe.oh beg jgn lupe.hahaha.every year msti ade beg raye,snng nk isi duit.sume kumpul kat ruang tamu bratur amek angpau.ngeh3.tym tuh paren ak kasi rm1 shari klu pose.aku hepi glee dapat rm30.cmpur ngn pk sdare mk sdare lg,mmg byk r duit raye.da la belah mak ak ade 13 adek bradek.memang meriah r.da abeh slm raye.ak n kazen2 aku pegi roun2 cari duit raye.hehehe.xmalu giler...ketuk umah org masuk nk brayer.aku rase cm ak ketua kot.kdng2 dapat la sringgit xpon dpt mkn kuih pn da suke.(ye ke)hehehe.

mlm tuh,
smbung blk pmainan tawaf keliling umah.masuk semak2 sume.hehehe bajet cri tmpat glap sbb kteorg kn bwk tanglung or tempurung bernyala.heheh.bese nye mlm neh r abeh kn mercun sume sbb sok tuh da nk blk kampung lg satu kat kelantan.

blk kelantan xbes sgt,
sbb ak xd kwn.sume kazen ak bes jugak sbb pk sdare aku sume bes2.kat klantan diorg sume msti cube nk ckp tganu ngn kteorg tp ak lyn jea.kat sini,klu mlm2 kazen ak sume n abg kakk ak slalu bkumpul kt beranda borak2.nynyi lagu la..kteorg dlu yg pmpuan neh ade grup ala2 elite,feminin sume.hahaha.n ak plg mude r.yg len 2 3 taun lg bes r..kteorg ade dance step n siap ade reka lgu sndri lagi.nme grup lak 'she' xtau r dpt dr mne.aku folo jek diorg.mlm2 kteorg gather dpn tv tgk movie2 mlayu.kan mlm raye slalu de cte aku x pnah tgk smpi habis,mesti tdo dlu...

raye ke-4 da blk umah smule,
parent ak da mule kje esoknye.ak lak maseh beraye of corz.nek beskel rmai2 g umah2 kwn.hihihi.umah ak pon kna n ak la kna lyn wat air sume.huhu

itu sumer dulu...sekarang da len.
bese la dunie da maju,zaman da berubah.

p/s:dulu ak slalu lawan ngn kakak aku,sape dapat kad raye plg byk.hurmm..slalu nye die la mnang sbb die byk pos kat kwn2 die n lam tuh msti de pantun,'pecah kaca,pecah gelas,sudah baca,harap balas'.so,xkesa la ak dapat sikit.heheh.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Those moments

those moments,

when he woke me up,
and drag me to the bathroom,
and tied my hair,
then sent me off to school...

those moments,
when i cried n sulked on the nyte b4 raya,
coz i didn have any 'kasut raya',
(act i did have one but i wore it weeks b4 raya)
he wud bring me to the nearest store and bought me one...

those moments,
when i wanted to go on a school camp,
but he said,"u cant,it's dangerous",
and i told him,"then how can my friends go and their parents allow them to?"
"coz their parents dont love them like i love u....",(im speechless)

those moments,
when we hugged each other at the airport,
where we had to leave him there coz of the september 11 incident,
i was really scared if America wud bombed that place,
but he sent us off with smiles like we are going on vacation...

those moments,
when he 'psycoed' me to stay,
where i cried in his car,
telling him how i hate the school and wanted to go home,
and he said,"he had a friend whos never go to boarding school nor hostel.and his friend regret it very very much." 'speechless' and wiped my tears...

those moments,
when i wanted a mp3 and he bought me one,
but then the mp3 broke,
and he bought another one....
i think he really knows how much i luv music and i cant live without it...

those moments,
when i want to go shoppin,
and he gave me money...

those moments,
when every morning of my bday,
he wud sing a bday song..
loud till it waken everyone..hahah

those moments,
when he sang
'sepohon kayu,daun nya rimbun.....
walaupon hidup seribu tahun,
kalau tak sembahyang apa guna nyaa~'
again n again to wake us up for Subuh

those moments,
when i kissed his hand and seek for forgiveness,
he wud jus smile and gave me angpau,
then we wud take a fmily picture...

really missed those moments that sudden makes me cried in this early morning.
actually what i really misss is my 'ayoh' !

dear God,
i wish he cud come home for raya,eventhou i know he cudn...i also wish him gud health and wud live long long long...long...long~


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

7 things

Tagged by syafiq!
explain 7 things bout u!

7 things about me:

i love shopping!especially when its megasale.muahaha.i go for the designs n price instead of goin for the let me be in my own world where no problems wud come across my emptied my mind for sure.but!money goes out,i choose savin first then shoppin like hell.heheh.

i love music!all type of music.currently,im collectin indie rox fav bnd ryte now is mocca from indonesia.i also listen to fly fm everydy when drivin.

i love joining clubs and events!for events i prefer charity works or business stuff.i like gainin experiences from this kind of activities.currently,iv been chosen to be 'penolong ketua kampung' for wawasan desa UTP (homestay).just now,i just joined a charity program to go to an orphanage at taiping this saturday.for clubs,im under yec and bowlin club.

i love reading!i had collected many books since 6th grade.not just book but also mangas.i used to like thriller n mystery books like fear street.but now,i prefer romntic comedy novels both malay or english.

i love watching E-k-J-T-doramas.english,korean,japan,taiwan.hehehe.lately,i got no tym to watch them.but i hav quite a list of doramas that iv watchd.around 20++(freetym after spm).the only series that i follow ryte now is gossip girl.act,i want to watch more eng series to work on my eng instead of korean n japan.heheh. oh.i also watch malay series like gol n gncu n more..cnt recll.

i love driving!um.donno why but drivin makes me let out my problem.sumthin like that laa..hard to explain.of course,i drive quite fast depens la...inside utp aroun 40km/h only.outside...mueheheh.

i hate keepin grudge against doesn make me feel at ease.anwy i only mad at ppl for like....60 sec perhaps.then im back to normal...coooooool huh?

7 fav ppl to tag n y them:

ella!-coz u love 7 things by miley cyrus.n i love u.
elli!-coz i love u twooo..
ujie!-coz i love u three..heheh
trah!-coz i love u four..
sherry!-i love u five..
adeera!-i love u six..
iera!-i love u seven..ngee~

p/s: i love all my frens not just these super-seven~



Tagged by King Abir

Terangkan pasal nama dan description yang anda beri pada blog anda.


aRiDaN iS NaDiRa


urmm..ak plih nme neh kerna...rmai org panggil aridan tnpa mngetahui nme ak yg sbnar.slen tuh rmai juge pggil nad (da mmg pnggln) tp xtau juge nme ku sbnar.agak tragis n sadis,aku letak la nme blog neh aridan itu nadira.hehehe.aridan ke nadira ke..due2 aku.oleh itu,bg mereka yg baru mngenali aku..harap maklum lah tentang nme aku.NADIRA yer..tapi nk pnggil nad pon boleyyy..

p/s:owg pggl ak aridan smpena nme frenster aku.kdg2 ade juge yg pnggl peacemaker,yg neh smpena nme ym lak.heh.

*dengan ini saye mau tag nizam lah..sbb name die unik..tales in ape ntah.(nme lgu ke?).hehehe.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Untukmu Ramadhan.

xtau nk cite pe.
so,aku letak pics jek.
pics cud speak more than words.

tp memang sgt besssssss!
agak penat jugeee..

untuk lebey menarik..sile scroll dari bwh:

waktu utk bbuke!dahaga gleeee..lps bbuke smyng terawih bramai2.

ala..luqman ske kaver muke..

dirumah luqman.ohhhh sronok kawan ngan luqman (mis him callin me kak nad!) haihhhss

rumah pokok!teringin nak satu..huhu.lepak bsme luqman n rakan2

wah.slepas pulang..suda kuning~

Pn Norma sekeluarga,dari kanan,shifa,shakila n fauziah =)

baju kurung da bli.tudung puler.aku sbgai *stylist* diorg.muahahah.

macam bersamamu la pulak.heheh

bawak Pn Norma dan anak2 shoppin baju raye

Pn. Norma kate,"kaler kuning pon xpe".so,kuning la kalernye.heheh

mari mengecat!~

mari bergotong-royong!

meow~ sume brebut nk amek gmbr ngn kucing comey neh.(erk si bju biru sbuk tol -.- )

eh.diorg lg.(bju biru pose same):p

aku nk amek gmbr beskel kt blakng tuh.diorg lak bz posin.ish3

beskel bru utk fmili Pn Norma (pkerja utp)

p/s:aku smpai lmbt.Pika kate rmai bdak tnye mne KAK NAD.huhuhu giler tharu...luqman pon cari aku gak.tym smpai...die jerit,'kak nad!kak nad!'. ^.^ .raye t aku pegi lagi!!!!!

i do looked happy always...but..

that doesnt mean im not tired.

that doesnt mean i neva hurt.

that doesnt mean i wont 'taching'.

that doesnt mean im OK.

that doesnt mean i am neva lonely.

that doesnt mean...i gt no feelin at all.


i dun care wat others said.

i do looked happy always coz i am happy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September Eleven Two Zero Zero One.

tarikh yg sume org xkan lupe.

aku tlupe kot.hehehe.bu pasan tadi.
so ade la sumthing yg aku ingin cite sal september 11.
byk mengubah idup aku..sementara waktu jek.

pada waktu itu,ak dan kluarge berada 'jauh' di perantauan.aku waktu tuh drjah 6 kot.terpinga2.tgk kat tv..cnn,bcc, tv ciner.sume jenis channel tv laa..katun jek tade.sume duk cite sal bangunan world trade center kat U.S yg kena langgar ngan kapal terbang.mule-mule,aku wat tak endah men ngan kawan2 cm bese (men bola sepak,aktviti harian kami kt sne) .smpai la malam..sume kecoh2 lagi.bapa2 pon pulang dr kije awal (kami sume duk stu bgunan apartmen).diorang siap de mesyuarat.aku pelik lg musykil.ape kaitan bngunan tuh ngan kteorg.bukan jauh ke??xkn nak serang kt sni lak??ak pon *cuak*.budak yg pk men jek da cuak.(act tym tuh ak tingat hw yg lum siap.heheh).tapi ak wat x endah jek.orang2 dewasa neh pon bbincang lame pasal bgunan yg tlh runtuh neh.

pndapat aku lak tym mimpi.cne kapal terbng ley lnggr bgunan tuh.1st thing ak tbyg..rmai nye org mati...bley idup ke??da la siar live.ak ngn famili duk jek dpan tv tgk benda sme diulang2.aku da ley afal daa scene org terjun la.asap kepul2.dlm keco2 tuh..aku dapat briter sok xskolah.YEY!(lam ati sbb hw xsiap lg).skola aku dlu american skool so,sbb tuh la cuti.tkut skola kna serang.kot la.(intrepetasi aku wktu itu)

aku agak konpius la.npe org anti-amerika..dulu laa.xtau pape..skrng aku da tau la nape.oh.rupenye2 smlam las day skola.kami sume diarah pulang ke msia.(aku cam YEYYYYY!bley blek!nek flight!shopping!).cume satu jek.........bapa2 xley pulang.kena stay sbb kije kan.sgt la sedey.kat airport,sume peluk2 ayah masing2.sedey..ingat bley blk da sme tym rsau ah..tkut sudan kna serang ngn amerika lak.huhuhu.

yg balik sume kaum ibu dan anak2 je.seronok ah..aku ngan kawan2 blk skali.pstuh singgah dubai lam 2 hari kot.petronas bg duit kat kteorg lam sratus sorg wat belanja..pehhh..bkn snng nk dapat duit byk slen dari hari raye.mmg seronok ah.aku simpan duit tuh!yeee..aku ske barbie.sgt.smpai aku rase bile da kije t.aku nak ade sume koleksi die.wat bilik khas (pengaruh rncngan *WHI yg de tnjuk sal wanita kmpul barbie).sesampai di dubai,kami dsmbut dengan ade tour guide r.sbb sume nye ibu2 je kn.ade kot laki sorg due yg lead kami.kmi dapat tido kat apartmen yg agak mewah.ade swimming pool!itu yg pnting.kami ske berenang tym wikend.heheh.beramai2.seronok!dr pagi smpi ptg duk lam kolam pon xkesah.heheh.

akhirnya,kami slamat tiba di kuala lumpur...dan dibwa ke hotel bdekatan(suitestay sblh klcc).muehehehe.sminggu btapa kat sane...........bes umah sdri..makan buffet.breakfast pon.giler bess ah.pagi smpi ptg mndi kolam.xpon g klcc.tapi smiggu je la...idup pnuh mewah akhirnya brakhir.kami tpksa pulang ke kg halaman,stay sne lakk..petronas xlarat nk tanggung lme2.heheh..

pulang ke dungun,kami duk umah tokk..pstuh msuk skola situ jap.slame sbulan xsmpai.yg bes nyeee..aku msuk skolah klas drjh 6 tym da abeh upsr.hehehehehe.bes wooo.g klas enjoy bola tmpar.bola jaring.aku blaja sports jek..aku xcte r kt diorg yg aku skola mne dlu.bru bess..diorg bjet aku amek upsr r.pas result kuar..sume slg tnye dapat bpe..muahahah.aku kate aku 5A.hahaha(pdahal xamek pon) ble da kuar skola,ak gtau r diorg..aku duk 'jauh' n xamek upsr.muehehehe.

so...bye2 Malaysia.aku kembali ke Sudan.
11 september xkn ku lupeee..mcm2 yg telah terjadi..
tapi syukur.kami semua selamat~

*WHI:Wanita Hari Ini-dulu ade segmen khas yg tunjuk sal wanita msia yg obses kat stu bnda.heheh.cth barbie.

p/s : slen barbie,aku ske ptung ketas..sebab mmpu dikumpul.dan bju die cntek2 lgi murah..aku pr nah mmpunyai koleksi ptung kertas yg byk.siap bina umah utk ptung2 tersebut.perabot pon.mnggunakn kotak dan ketas2 tpakai.(sbb tuh kot aku amek civil,bina rumah.kooool.)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Apa yang aku lakukan di kala tensen?

  • termenung lebey dari sejam.cari port bess..tenungg jek.(smbil pk mslh)
  • jadi kecoh (cakap extra byk n merapu) or diam yg teramat. :|
  • driving!!lebey dr sratus km sejam.(sbb kncil yee..klu tak ak da bwk lg lju..tkut terbang jek)
  • makan byk..or tak makan langsung..
  • mula studi (klu ak tensen sbb studi r)
  • bjalan2 di tasik UTP yg indah.
  • chat ngan org yg tidak dknali.
  • tepon mak.
  • bce buku cte n xkuar bilik.(seyes dpt kurng kn tensi)
  • shoppin!muahah.mmg xingat dunia r..
  • dance!(tym klas co-q je la)
  • dgr lagu 24 jam.
  • pk kje2 gile..cth:tdo kat irc(tym studi week dlu) xbrani.
  • pegi ipo tnpa dirancang.
  • men sports (lme da xbuat)
  • las choice..menangiss~ (lme gak xbuat)
  • terkini salon cuci rambut (die siap urut,bes2)

urmm..banyak lg.setiap kali tensen len2 aktiviti..heheh..stiap org ade cara tersndiri kn?btw aku plg benci tensen2 emo2,akan cuba aku klu tensen sbb studi xpe gak kot (salah aku gak xstudi awl2). dapat sedarkan aku dari melencong jauh,wlaupon da melencong pon. pape pon............

(mae kate btol ayat neh,klu slh serbu die.hehehe.)


p/s:sgt risau ngan markah quiz,tes ngan esaimen.*tawakal*.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hadi Tag Saya.

1. Senaraikan 5 hadiah/benda yang anda inginkan
- teddy
-kucing friskis
-voucher shopping(unlimited nye)
-kereta mewah.mne2 pon xkesah.muahahaha
-jet pejuang

2. Alasan terhadap perkara tersebut
- xnah dpt teddy.(cm bes jek org len dpt)
-comeyy lg xmmpu ak nk bli.
-hehehe..ak giler shoppin!
-ntah kooool jek pompuan bwk kete mewah.
-bley travel jauh2.bes2.protect country lg stu.eheh.

3. 5 impresi terhadap orang yang diminati
-frenly n outgoing
-got style n look (kacak tuh bonus r)

4. 5 perkara yang dibenci
- liars
-heart broken.heheh

5. Kali pertama duduk berjauhan dari keluarga
- 5 ke 6 thn nta.duk ngn mk sdare kt sg ptani slme..smiggu kot.

6. Tempat yang ingin kamu lawati
- sume tmpt peranginan dan pelncongan serta pusat mmbeli belah.

7. 5 perkataan yang selalu kamu sebut

8. Kalau ada duit yang banyak
- shoppin n mkn bes2 !

9. Jika kamu tidak belajar / bekerja dalam bidang sekarang, mungkin kamu
- kawin pkse?hahahahaha

10. Lagu yang kamu selalu dengar tanpa rasa muak
- byk ah antaranya:estrella-stay.laluna-selepas kau pergi.jojo-too litle too late.n more.

11. Rakan-rakan bloggers yang ingin kamu tag
- azmir(lme x tag anda)
-TMUkmkd(knalan baru)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cubaan Pertama

cubaan pertama ape?(cm album aizat af,bes douh lgu2 die).arini aku rasa cm nak mengarang esei nk citer sal ape?banyak kot.*tiba-tibe*.yee highlite tibe-tibe,sbb ak tibe-tibe teringat kesah-kesah lame.

salah satu nye;

hari pertama gabung kelas,di sekolah 'jauh' sewaktu aku berada 'jauh' di perantauan, tym tuh.umo 11 taun 8 bulan 4 hari (kot la) .kelas kami (kelas aku) grade 6 telah bergabung ngan kelas sebelah,grade 5.(kat sekolah 'jauh' grade kelas xikut taun umo tp bulan,umm yee..aku pon xphm)

ok then.oh kami gabung kelas untuk subjek PE(physical education,unik?) in malay PJ(pendidikan jasmani).faveret subjek aku.hehehe.sebab best n cekgu die howt n tough(from canada).tp tym tuh die lum cekgu len r(da tua,husband guru kelas aku,mrs coble).ok.kami berkumpul di padang beramai-ramai.aku tgok ko,ko tgk aku.campur2 sume lam 30 pasang mata kot.(satu kelas lam 15 jek.bosann bkn?).

penat mnunggu bwh chya mthari terik yg telah keringkn vaseline d bbir.(lam ati,sebbek pkai lotion.klu x itam).mr coble pon smpai kat padang ngn wisel kuning die.die kate,'arini kite akan gabung kelas buat aktiviti in pairs'(in english ye).kami pon excited.da plih pasangan masing2.ak pon tarik tangan kawan aku (pompuan malay dr klas grade 5).hehehe.malang nye,mr coble kate lg,'saya akan plih pasangan awk sume biar campur adukkan'(sleps di translate).

aku da risau.die letak laki pmpuan.tapi x aci!mmbe ak dr grade 5 td dpat pair ngn mmbe ak juge dr grade 5(due2 pompuan).n aku?dapat partner ngn travis.umm bes name cm ahli blink 182 (aku minat blink 182,knpe 182?).agak gumbira dapat partner ngn mat saleh laki yg hot.heee~.kami pon bkenalan la.borak2.(tapi ak slalu cm..'pardon?' ngn 'aaaa?' sbb xphm,my eng was sux).tapi bes la.die frenly.buat aku xkekok,sempooiy~

sterusnye.aktiviti hari itu ialah..jeng jeng jeng..lumbe lari !(cm kanak2) beza nya kn..sambil pegang tangan(hold hands).aku cam glabah gak r,lam ati(weee~).hihi.1st tym pegng tgn laki (slain salam ngn ayh,sdare,n cikgu skolah n also blasah adek2 laki).giler r.travis hold hands ngn nadira.weee~.lari2 lak tuh.sweee..t~.tapi hakikat HEEEE...LLL~.knape yer..ok kite sambung citer.

mr coble pn wat garisan mule n penamat.agak jauh..merentas pdang skolah yg besar(200m or 100 kot).sume bebaris tepi garis penuh semangat.aku bpeluh-peluh,eh bukan ak, tapi tangan aku.tangan ak smulajadi bepeluh,so aku rsau travis kate pe lak t.but *ignore*.xpenting pon.travis pon TARIK tangan aku.hahahaha.again.sweeee...ttt~!.sume da redi neh.pegang tgn partner masing2.tunduk skit,kasi stable.3,2,1...GO!wisel kuning pon bunyii.PRIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT!.lari.lari.lari.lari...lam ati.(shit.shit.shit).ops.(xd kaitn ngn mr opss ye)

sebenar nya,travis adalah pelari silap.suke berlari.(pro runner r) n aku lak pro rubber (men getah..hahaha.alaa..yg lompat2 getah tuh,lame xmen.hummph).kire cam x ssuai r.sebbek aku kurus,so senng r nk lari bsame travis.(org berisi xsmesti xley lari yee,neh saje nk kasi tau yg ak ley lari).lari punye lari.ak da nak jatuh..huuuuiii.almost r..skittttttt lgii...kaki da terangkat2,tudung berterbngan..cume x terjatuh jek.mungkin krn tangan travis yg menggenggm erat tgn aku.hahaha.

die punya la tarik tgn aku.semngat douhhh.laju gleee...n smesti nye laaa...kami MENANG!hak hak hak.bangga giler.da la dpt pegng tgn travis.part plg bess..walaupon da smpai garisan penamat,travis xlepas pon tgn aku.huahuahua.aku lak yg tarik(sbb segan,tgn ak basah).sejak itu,kami pon.................................kenal la dulu xnah ckp,skrng da knal ley tgor.xde pape blaku pon.xde jodoh.sad.

dah menang kn.ape kami dapat?xde pape pon..cessssssss.dapat kwn la.dapat nama.hik3




(; = 10 mins)

stengah jam kmudian.loceng bunyi!kriiiiinggggggggggggg!~
sume bkejaran ke tingkp tepi bilik PE.ohhh POPSICLES!!!!!!sejukkkkk..rindu lak popsicle(sejenis eskrem).end.

ummm..inilah kesah aku.

belive it or not.caya lah.kesah sahih neh.
thnx for reading.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tagged By Sherry

1. Write down the name of any man in your life, whether a relative, friend, acquaintance, or celebrity

2. Write down the name of any animal

3. Write down the name of your closest friend

4. Write down the name of any woman in your life, whether a relative, friend, acquaintance, or celebrity

5. Write down the name of any woman in your life, whether a relative, friend, acquaintance, or celebrity

6. Write down the name of any man in your life, whether a relative, friend, acquaintance, or celebrity

7. Write down the name of any friend, as long as it's the opposite sex as yours

8. Write down the name of any friend, as long as it's the same sex as yours

9. Write down the name of your favorite teacher or professor
::encik subki (ajr phy kt kmns)

10. Write down your favorite hangout while you were in elementary school
::beside longkang..hahaha

And now, the answer key!

The person in #1 will wash your windows for you if you serve him some home-made soup
= um nnti bile irfan da ckup umo bley la kot..oh miss dat super kiut boy.

The person in #1 will eat a soup made up of #2
= hahaha.sure he wud.but no way i allowed that.hehe

The person in #3 will help you make the soup made up of #2
=no way.she s an animal lover.just like me.hee =)

The woman in #4 once got into a catfight with #5 because she thought #6 liked #5 more than her
= wayyy!

You want to be more than friends with the person in slot #7, but you won't admit it
= cpl for fun.i did admit pe.for fun je kn nizam?hahaha

#8 is your best buddy for life, and may help #1 wash your windows, but will not eat the soup made up of #2, which was made by you and the person in #3
= hahaha.

All your life's lessons come from #9
= yeahh.i learned weird things from him.hahaha

You have got to go back to #10 to relax yourself before you make the soup from #2 with #3 that you will serve to #1 and #8
=i wud i wud!ohh elementary skool in memory~

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Test DE memang hangat tapi tak coooool.


im sux at it.really.studied 'hard' still cant answer.
umm not dat 'hard' thou.huhuhu.

triple sad.

thnx to BD,BASIC DANCE.i 4got about DE.totally!.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.i luv dancing~

but stil i wish i cud learn traditional dnce not modern dance.humph.
so down!.all alone~

when is the next event???!
need to get BZ ppl!
hurmm.*thinking*.playin squash seeems nice.hihi.
need to get moving!