Tuesday, February 22, 2011

500 gram.

tadi aku timbang berat badan dan berat aku bertambah lagi 500 gram :D
klu sekilo lagi aku happy.pelik bukan?
orang len sedih,tensen,emo,nangis klu berat dorg nek.aku lak terbalik...aku rase tuh la saat paling bahagia.hahaha.

orang gemuk tensen ble orang tegur die gemuk,same gak cam aku,aku tensen bila orang cakap aku kurus keding.rase nak mengamuk,nak tampar nak terajang nak sepak pon adee...eh tipu la tuh.hehe,tade la sampai camtuh but it does make me upset,sad,emo, dan swaktu dgnnya.

kadang-kadang tuh,tengah aku happy2 kecoh2 gumbira tbe2 ade orang tegur cakap, "nad,ko ni anorexia ea?",fakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (maaf mncarut) tapi dalam hati je.kat muke aku senyum :), eh nede, aku suke makan,suke makan sangat2 !!! tercalar hati gua yang tengah happy2 trus down down down...~

aku rase dorang tatau pon maksud anorexia tuh hapee,boleh diibaratkan macam menghina da tuh..ni haa maksud anorexia,aku trus copy paste dr wikipedia;

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight, often coupled with a distorted self image which may be maintained by various cognitive biases that alter how the affected individual evaluates and thinks about her or his body, food and eating.

Dalam erti kata lain atau pon dalam bahasa melayu;anorexia ni bermaksud penyakit xnak makan sebab takut naik berat badan.and again,i stress out here im exactly the other way around which is i love eating so mucha2 but just hard to gain weight.however,when im in stress situation which is unhappy,i always lose my appetite.so pls dun make me unhappy by accusing me having anorexia.haha.

tapi sekarang gua tak kesah,gua kental dan orang pon ingat gua kental sebab tuh dorang leh pijak gua kaw3.takpe2 gua memang cool,gua xamek hati pon.komen2 lu sume ertinye lu sume kesah pasal gua risau tengok gua kurus keding.gua terharu jugak la.tapi tak macho la klu ade yang mmg xmacho cakap,"ko kna gmuk skit nad,kang tade laki nak usha" wadefak kan? da la xmacho ckp gua cmtuh lak,bile gua marah ckp gua emo,xkacak la,xcool lah.so gua trus block lu la kan.maap la.gua de limit gua gak.

-tarik nafas-

sori,hanyut sebentar.just one thing to say,
i dun give a damn what u said ! eventho it did hurt me a lot,and it was really2 hard to forgive and forget but as i said i dun give a damn.'everybody got their own charms' (quote from Farah)
it isnt u to decide whether a guy wud look at me or not.anyhow sum guys did look at me and tried to know me better.it's just that they are not my jodoh.that's why i won't get into uncertain relationship other than marriage.insyaAllah...~

im in a weight-gain-programme,in healthy way.wish me luck!
another 6.5kg to go !


farah said...

i have 4kg to go nad...
lagi 4kg spare masa pas dh kwen..

so by that time, brt ak 50kg..normalllllll....

kewl kan programme aku? wahahha..

Unknown said...

aku 6.5kg -.-' tapi aku xspare pas kawen.
sume b4 kawen.hahaha

Unknown said...

alamakt ni email ofis.hahaha

::mareney:: said...

waa..aku dah stat tension da nih nad..intern berat naek berkilo2..apekah?adeii~

aRiDaN said...

xya pk byk.aku jeles tgk ko.
xya kurus2 ni.xbes lgsung !
ble nak lepak rmai2 ni?bkn jauh pon...
rindu korang sume.huhuhu