Saturday, June 27, 2009

Third customer.

another guy customer for my shawls.
its not like they are wearing for themselve.
but they are buying for their girlfrens.
how sweet huh.
jeles tooo.wuwu.

i told them,
'bgus r ko bli utk awek',
n one of them reply,
'aku saje nk tnjuk yg aku appreciate die',
seronok kot.
konpem girls cair,klu laki appreciate diorang.

when is it gonna be my turn..

p/s:klu jodoh tak kemane ! i do believe in jodoh ! hidup jodoh ! hahaha

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thank You !!

20 is the age,
i would like to:

thank God,
for giving me 20 years,
wish for more,

thank you mamito,
for the cake,
the pouch bag,
the wsk 601(2nd biggest present),
the love(1st present),
n so much more.

thank you ayoh,
for the wsk 601,
the love,
n so much more.

thank you Naya,
for the butterfly necklace,
eventhou i ask for it,

thank you munchit,
for calling b4 transfomer 2 premier movie,
u owe me a present. :P

thank you tepung,
for wishin me at 10 p.m coz u cant wait up till midnight,

thank you eli,
for loving me !
luv u too beb !

thank you yana kerut,
for calling sharp at 12 and singin for me !

thank you Nisa,Ain,Fana,
for being the best !

thank you hud,bon2,
for always be around,

thank you thank you and thank you to everyone who wishes me !
via sms,facebook,gtalk,ym,and so on.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wishing for a Blooming Bisnesss ^.^

aku wat bisnes skrang.
bisnes selendang !!
ala selendang corak2 yg panjang tuh,
walaupon ak xnah pkai,
kena start pakai la skrang.

org yg jual kena la pakai kan.

plsss support me !
do drop by n buy?heheh.

click here

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Demi Cinta Kita.....keh3

xtau nak wt pe.
so,buke yutiub.
usha vid clips.
neh antara lagu kegemaran aku dr kerispatih.
macho r sore vocalis.
sad ending though~

Kerispatih-Demi Cinta <3

Maaf, ku telah menyakitimu
Ku telah kecewakanmu
Bahkan ku sia-siakan hidupku,
dan kubawa kau s'perti diriku
Walau hati ini t'rus menangis
Menahan kesakitan ini
Tapi ku lakukan semua demi cinta

Akhirnya juga harus ku relakan kehilangan cinta sejatiku
Segalanya t'lah ku berikan
Juga semua kekuranganku
Jika memang ini yang terbaik
Untuk diriku dan dirinya
Kan ku t'rima semua demi cinta

Chorus :
Jujur, aku tak kuasa, saat terakhir ku genggam tanganmu
Namun yang pasti terjadi, kita mungkin tak bersama lagi
Bila nanti esok hari
Ku temukan dirimu bahagia
Ijinkan aku titipkan kisah cinta kita selamanya...

V1-D 008.

dekat 3 minggu kat umah.
aku pasan ade perubahan gak r UTP.
macam lebey organize.
siap ade short briefing dr akak blok O psl stay kat utp tym cuti.

ade temporary identification lak.
sem lepas xde2 pon.
bebas jek.
skrng nak kua masuk pon pakgad nk soal siasat.

patut gak wt cni.
rase lagi safe.
dak2 baru pon safe.

boring lak sorang2 lam bilik.
sebbek blik ak dkat ngn tmpat mak gad lepak.
so xde hal lah mlm2.
sangat secure~

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Missing Part.

the emptiness in my heart,
feelin pain with no reason,
to afraid yet not afraid of sumthing,
it seems like there's nothing but it is 'sumthing',
and it worth a lot..i know.

talking rubbish i am,
whatever it is,
im gonna find that missing part of me.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Let's Facebook-ing !


tbe2 aktif lak facebook rini.
sangat excited jmpe facebook kwn2 lame.
sume da matured,hot,hensem.
but still ade sorang yg menten~

aku bukan nk cte sal die pon.

xde benda nak cte pon.
ptg td bwk adek tgk monsters vs aliens kt mbo galaxy ampang.
byk scene lawak la cte neh.
worth the pay~

ok la
mau tido


Monday, June 8, 2009

oh, no !

If you got an eerie feeling after hanging up the phone

Sort of happy feeling but you're not sure what it's called

If you're haunted by his face whenever you're asleep at night
And think you hear his silly voice just calling out your name

Oh, no! I think I'm in love with you..
Oh, no! I'm hoping you'll want me too
So, please.. don't let me down!

Just can't help but talk about him in every conversation
Till your friends are sick and tired of that same old crap

If you start wearing make up even when you go to bed
Crying like a baby when you hear a mellow song

Oh, no! I think I'm in love with you..
Oh, no! I'm hoping you'll want me too
So, please.. don't let me down!

by:mocca - i think i'm in love~

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cuti Paling Best !

cuti sem ini paling xmembazir masa.
hari-hari,ade jek bnde nak buat.
akhir2 neh byk kuar la,kua ngan famili sbb ayah aku tgh cuti sminggu.
so sminggu la kteorg jln2 non stop.
round kL,balek tganu,makan kat luar (hampir hari2 kot).
tapi ak spent kualiti tym bersame keluarga.sangat seronok!bkn senng nk kumpul rmai2 cenggini.
heee. :D

oh ye.aku first tym drive ke tganu,paling jauh r neh.hebat kn.kih3.
dan juge,aku lepas ke shah alam.walaupon sesat mncari jln ke sane.hahaha.tapi pulang dengan lancar.hihi.aku pegi sane nak jmpe kwn2 yg maseh dlm persediaan ke luar negara.ramai yg da fly,tp ak nk jmpe kwn bek tym kat mrsm qtan dlu jek,heheh iaitu azzah dan helwa!azzah da fly ke india n die pulang cuti sminggu,helwa lak bakal fly ke germany~ aku fly ke toronto jek.haha.yg pelik nye,walaupon ak msuk cmpus intec n ak tau dak2 citu sume bakal fly ke plbagai negara tapi ak xrase jeles tak mcm dlu la.skrang ak rase cm xde perasaan jek sbb ak da ade scholar petronas,blaja pon kat U yg hebat pe (cream of the cream,kate ibu munchit).oleh itu,aku da bpuas ati.ehh belum lagi,still nk pegi oversea tp untuk melancong,honeymoon ke.hahah.

banyak lagi cte sbenarnye tp cm xpe la kot.let the pics explain it all~

gambar latest mok,ayoh, aku :)

masjid kristal,plg cantik!(sebuk jek kakk aku)

jeti sbelah pasar payang

bas plg unik

kwn2 yang bakal fly~
