two years ago,i used to read this blog's been a while i havent read it since the owner
today,i've read it again and it still damn funny #LMAO
so,i decided to tag myself coz i got nothin to do.
1) Do you think you're hot? dad is not a fireman.lameeee~
2)Upload your favorite picture of you
3)Why do you like that picture?
hmm gambar ni wat ak wonder.tang mane tuh aku nampak cm da/tengah kawin.anyhow i do look gorgeous...orang kate la,bkn aku kate.haha
4)When was the last time you ate pizza?
a month ago?xhingat la plak ble.da siap cerna da haa
5)The last song you listened to
Linkin Park-Iridescent.
sukeee lagu ni.ske lirik die,buat aku let go everything yang kacau jiwa aku.dan mesti sume orang musykil iridescent tuh ape,hehehe selepas aku google aku mendapati iridescent tuh macam kaler pelangi yang korang nampak kat surface bubbles or bugs tuhh.interesting kan?vidclip pon gempak.bumblebeeee~
6)What are you doing right now besides this?
gtalk-ing with frens and wondering is ketereh at sumwhere i tot it is...hmm kna tunggu balik kelantan ni.
7)What name do you prefer besides yours?
soklan cepu emas ni.kenape cepu emas?aku pon tatau.tapi klu boleh la,klu la boleh name aku ade nur ke..nurul ke...puteri ke..nahhh aku da cukup puas hati dan bangga dengan nama aku skrang.simple and fab.
8)People to tag:
- Westlife
- Jessie Jay
- Rafidah (Kasih Alia)
- Mamat (sepah)
- Linkin park
sume orang kenal kot,aku tak perlu explain.reason aku letak westlife no satu sebab nanti aku pergi konsert dorang.hahah.bukannye peminat kipas mati,tapi rumet aku memang minat why not goin with girlfrengsssss kan.Our first big concert,dlu duk rancang je lebih tak jadi jugakk.da final year baru jadi.hahaha.(maybe sbb westlife nye concert safer kot?)
gosh i've realized there are so many things i wanna do with my frens before settlin down.single life rocks as always!!
10)Number 3 is having a relationship with?
with no 4 obviously.hahaha.nih aku dengar mak aku gosip tadi.mamat tuh tak ensem ke?(mak aku yg kate).aku tengok ok je.tinggi..tough...sesuai je la ngan rafidah@kasih@alia.heh.
11)Say something about number 5
umm.first rock+ rappin band i've ever heard.sekarang da banyak la kot band yang tiru linkin park.not much la yang aku sal LP,they always rocks.aku suke first album dorang and yang latest skrang.yang lain pon kot...aku pon tak sure mane stu 1st,2nd,3rd...album...layan je sume
12)How about number 4?
in relationship with no 3
13)Who is number 2?
aku pon baru kenal sebab die femes ngan lagu price tag(ringtone kakk aku) tapi 1st tym dengar lagu die aku trus cari kt utube.perghh die nyanyi live mmg torrrbayeeekk.suke-suke!!she got her own style and great talent mehh.
btw,i tag her coz i've seen her vidclip-nobody's perfect this afternoon and l.o.v.i.n.g it!!hmm aku rase die nampak kurus sket dalam video ni nak banding mase die debut dlu.pape pon kurus ke gemuk ke,her voice still superbbb.
da kul 1,baru siap post ni.haha